Ogwang Clipper – Tim abor
Scandal Studios – Ugandan Recordings
(* for English subtitles: click on the subtitle-icon at the bottom of the video)
Ogwang Clipper plays ‘nanga’, a traditional instrument with seven nylon strings in a wooden box. Clipper is one of the most experienced and respected nanga players in northern Uganda. He performs together with his wife Sabina Lawino.
This song is recorded at Mr. Clippers home in Kitgum town. Children from the neighbourhood gathered to watch the performance. The Acholi song title ‘Tim abor’ can be translated into ‘adultery’. In this song Ogwang Clipper discusses symptoms of HIV/AIDS and advices people not to commit adultery, because it could spread the syndrome.
Production: Evert Daniel Aalten
Camera: Karin van Bemmel
Translation: Okidi Denish