Luo Academy – Introduction Ceremony at Onyama Wedding
Luo Academy: “This traditional Acholi dance is called ‘Dingi dingi’. It is performed when a girl has introduced her boyfriend to her parents. They have to approve the relationship and give the go-ahead for marriage.”
Luo Academy is a northern Ugandan group consisting of four dancers, two ‘orak’ (calabash) players, two drummers and two members
Opira Morise Kato – The problem won’t allow me to sleep
Opira Morise Kato: “This song is warning boys that if they want to get married, they first have to think about it carefully. If they decide to marry a girl, they have to follow all the necessary procedures, which can cause some sleepless nights…”
Opira sings in Acholi-language and plays on a traditional Ugandan instrument
OJ Murugut – Awili (English subtitles)
OJ Murugut plays Adungu and sings about Awili who is supposed to get married. Her mother introduces her to different men, but she only wants to marry Lion.
OJ Murugut – Anyaka maleng (with English subtitles)
OJ Murugut plays Adungu and sings about Acholi women.
Three hours of Ugandan Recordings
Three hours of Ugandan Recordings in 'Eldoradio'.
Christ the King – Labal bin ki woro
The Centenary Children Choir from Christ the King church in Kitgum consists of 40 children aged from 7 to 17 years old.
Christ the King – An awaci ka in imara
The Centenary Children Choir from Christ the King church in Kitgum consists of 40 children aged from 7 to 17 years old.
Christ the King – Lokristo ubin oyot
The Centenary Children Choir from Christ the King church in Kitgum consists of 40 children aged from 7 to 17 years old.